Recognising excellence in NRM in the Northern Territory

Recognise the Territory's champions of natural resource management by nominating an individual, group or organisation you know for a prestigious Territory Natural Resource Management Award. You may also nominate your own work or project.

The awards celebrate the outstanding efforts and achievements of landholders, community groups, farmers, rangers, schools, businesses, and researchers, who look after our land, water and biodiversity for the future.

  • Do you know an individual or group that has done great work looking after country?
  • Is there a scientist whose work has provided practical solutions to improve the management of natural resources?
  • Is there a school in your community that looks after the local bushland or is working towards sustainability?
  • Perhaps you know a farmer who has shown innovation and foresight in managing their land and natural resources?

These are the Territorians we want to hear about, so we can celebrate their achievements and inspire others to follow in their footsteps.



What does it celebrate?

  • Excellence in partnering and collaborating resulting in a positive impact on natural resources in the NT.

Who can be nominated?

  • This must be a joint nomination between two or more nominees.
  • The nominees can be an organisation, business, group, or local authority.

Any exclusions?

  • No.

Questions for this category:

  • Describe the scope of the project or activities undertaken by the nominees and the collaborative nature of their partnership/work.
  • How did those involved in the partnership benefit from the collaboration?
  • What were the successful NRM outcomes achieved through the collaboration, and how were these shared with the NT community?
  • How did the nominees develop and maintain the collaboration, and how they have ensured the continuation of the collaboration beyond the current funding and objectives?

Previous winners:

  • Waanyi Garawa Rangers in collaboration with Bush Heritage Australia, Robinson River School and Ground-up Ecology
  • The collaboration from these groups saw both Traditional knowledge and Western science work together to engage and support over 60 people on a Culture camp on Rhumbarriya Country.

What does it celebrate?

  • Excellence by a producer in the management or environmental stewardship of natural resources in the farming, pastoral, fishing or bushfood/product sector.

Who can be nominated?

  • An individual, enterprise or industry group in the fisheries, horticulture, animal production, cropping, forestry or bushfood/product industry that has demonstrated activities including but not limited to:
    • Initiation or development of sustainable natural resource management practices.
    • Improved natural resource use efficiency and long-term sustainability and productivity.
    • Restoration or protection of habitat / ecosystems.
    • Enhancement to the resilience of their business/industry through improved natural resource management.

Any exclusions?

  • Government departments are not eligible.

Questions for this category:

  • What management practice or activity has been implemented by the producer to improve sustainable use or protection of a natural resource? (e.g. water, soil, native vegetation/flora and fauna, marine habitat)
  • How has the practice or activity improved sustainable use or the protection of an NT natural resource?
  • How has productivity within the enterprise or industry benefitted from the improved management practice or activity?
  • Describe how the practice or outcomes have been shared with others and brought wider benefits to the industry and/or community.

Previous winner:

  • Voung and Lisa Nguten, Harvest Hill Orchard
  • Redirecting from standard monoculture practices Voung and Lisa diversified their orchard, improving on farm biodiversity and creating a 'zero waste' target for the business for better resource management and productivity.

What does it celebrate?

  • Excellence by a business, enterprise or organisation that provides products or services that support or facilitate sustainable use, management or protection of the NT's natural resources.

Who can be nominated?

  • A small business, enterprise or organisation working to provide products or services for natural resource management in the Northern Territory, activities including but not limited to:
    • Delivering products or services in a sustainable manner and which respond to a demonstrable need in the Northern Territory's NRM community.
    • Introducing game-changing or novel solutions to meet natural resource management challenges.
    • Restoration or protection of habitat / ecosystems.
    • Contribution to resilience and adaptability in the natural resource management community.

Questions for this category:

  • Provide an overview of the enterprise and the products or services provided to support or enhance sustainable / improved management or protection of the Territory's natural resources? (e.g. water, soil, native vegetation/flora and fauna, marine habitat).
  • How have the services or products provided a benefit to the management of natural resources in the NT? (e.g improving management or reducing the impact of an issue on natural resources).
  • How has the enterprise changed or improved its products or services to meet natural resource management needs or challenges in the NT?
  • How has the enterprise addressed or improved sustainability in its operations, products or services?

Previous winner:

  • Tropiculture Australia
  • For over 45 years they have been supporting local community members to sustainably grow produce. A space for local industry and community to share knowledge, food and ideas and advocating the importance of efficient and sustainable management of natural resources and the protection of the delicate ecosystem.

What does it celebrate?

  • Exceptional contribution to conservation and the environment through on-ground activity and community engagement and participation.

Who can be nominated?

  • An individual, organisation or group that has conducted a project or activity with significant community engagement which has contributed to outstanding conservation and environmental outcomes.

Any exclusions?

  • Government departments are not eligible.

Questions for this category:

  • Describe the project or activity undertaken and the conservation or environmental issue it addressed.
  • How was the nominee involved in the project or activity and how did their role contribute to on-ground work or community engagement and participation?
  • What conservation or environmental benefits or outcomes did the project or activity achieve?
  • How were the learnings or outcomes from the project or activity shared with the broader community?

Previous winner:

  • Jasmine Jan, Territory Wildlife Park
  • Jasmine Jan has over a decade of collaboration and networking to establish programs which has grown the capacity of people to better understand, manage and conserve Northern Territory's natural resources.

What does it celebrate?

  • An outstanding young group or individual that has conducted a project or activity which has contributed to environmental awareness, sustainability or management of a natural resource through on-ground action.

Who can be nominated?

  • Open to any Territorian up to 20 years of age, or any NT group whose core membership is no older than 20 years of age.
  • This could be a school or youth group, a scout/guide group, or an informal group of young people who have come together because of an interest in the natural resource challenge the project has addressed.

Any exclusions?

  • Individuals over 20 years of age are not eligible.
  • Groups with a membership older than 20 years of age are not eligible.
  • Government departments are not eligible.

Questions for this category:

  • Describe the project or activity undertaken by the group or individual and the environmental / natural resource management issue it addressed.
  • If the activity was teacher/adult-led, provide a clear demonstration of the degree of autonomy, self-direction, initiative and ownership of the project taken on by the young people.
  • What environmental / natural resource management changes or improvements were achieved through the project or activity?
  • How has the project involved or been shared with the wider community?

Previous winner:

  • Mimal Land Management / Bulman School
  • Protecting country for future generations, Elders, students, rangers and school staff came together to establish a Learning on Country Program, ensuring intergenerational knowledge was transpired for continuity of looking after Country and Culture.

What does it celebrate?

  • An outstanding Indigenous group that has worked to care for land and sea country.

Who can be nominated?

  • Any NT Indigenous group (official or informal) that has worked together to address natural resource management on country.

Any exclusions?

  • Only open to Indigenous groups from the NT.

Questions for this category:

  • Outline the work, project or activity undertaken by the group to look after land and/or sea country and the natural resource management issue it addressed.
  • What changes or improvement in the health of land or sea country did the group achieve through their work, project or activity?
  • How did the work, project or activity involve, benefit or inspire members of the group?
  • How were the learnings or outcomes from the work, project or activity shared with the broader community?

Previous winner:

  • Tiwi Resources / Tiwi Rangers
  • Utilising a range of tactics to sustainably abate the feral cat population, Tiwi Rangers have greater knowledge and capacity to protect the local wildlife on Country. A range of management practices were successfully implemented on this community led project.

What does it celebrate?

  • Excellence in collaborative applied research for natural resource management in the NT.

Who can be nominated?

  • An individual, group, organisation or institution, or a joint nomination between two or more nominees.

Any exclusions?

  • No

Questions for this category:

  • What was the scope of the applied research undertaken and the area of natural resource management it addressed?
  • How and to what extent did the nominee(s) collaborate with and involve others in designing, undertaking and applying the research?
  • What were the achievements and outcomes of the research and its application for natural resoucre management in the NT?
  • How have the collaborative research learnings and outcomes been shared with the broader community?

Previous winner:

  • Li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Rangers in collaboration with Charles Darwin University, James Cool University and Parks and Wildlife Commission NT
  • An effective and beneficial research collaboration between researchers, Marra and Yanyuwa people and Anthawirriyarra Sea Rangers to improve protection and management of Marra's Limmen Bight Marine Park and Yanyuwa Sea Country.

What does it celebrate?

  • An exceptional individual who has gone above and beyond in their ranger duties in the past 12 months, and made an outstanding contribution to the management of conservation or protected areas in the Northern Territory.

Who can be nominated?

  • A current ranger in the Northern Territory.

Any exclusions?

  • Individuals who are not currently working as a ranger in the Northern Territory are not eligible.

Questions for this category:

  • Provide an overview of the ranger's involvement in protected area management (national parks, reserves, marine parks and Indigenous Protected areas) in the last 12 months.
  • What significant contributions or outcomes did the individual achieve in protected area management in the last 12 months?
  • How has the ranger's approach engaged, involved and inspired others in the past 12 months?
  • What sets the ranger apart and qualifies them to be celebrated as exceptional?

Previous winner:

  • Solodi Buthungguliwuy, Crocodile Island Rangers
  • A leader within her team and community, Solodi went above and beyond in her ranger duties to ensure Traditional Owners and broader community could access and maintain cultural connections and practices across the remote islands.

What does it celebrate?

  • An outstanding individual who has made a significant beneficial impact in the area of natural resource management in the NT through their contribution to agricultural sustainability, conservation or the environment.

Who can be nominated?

  • Any individual currently or formerly engaged in activities which have benefitted the management of natural resources in the NT.

Some additional nomination tips:

  • The winner does not necessarily need to be currently engaged in natural resource management nor do they necessarily need to have had a hands-on involvement.
  • The winner will be someone who has made a significant impact in natural resource management in the NT, for example:
    • by a long-standing commitment to natural resource management in a particular area
    • by addressing a particular threat and managing it with consistent positive outcomes; or
    • because the individual's advocacy of natural resource management has changed hearts and minds

Any exclusions?

  • Groups are not eligible.

Questions for this category:

  • Provide an overview of the individual's involvement in and commitment to natural resource management in the NT (this should include the type of activity, length of time committed, and their role).
  • What are the significant beneficial contributions and outcomes the individual has achieved in the area of natural resource management in the NT?
  • How has the nominee's work inspired, engaged and made a difference in the area of natural resource?

Previous winner:

  • Annette Miller, Mimal Land Management Aboriginal Corporation
  • Annette Miller is a Rembarrnga and Dalabon Elder from the Marananggu clan in Central Arnhem Land. As a Traditional Owner of the Bigedi homelands, she has been caring for her Country all her life. Through Annette's leadership, Mimal Land Management supports and hosts the Strong Women for Healthy Country network.

Finalists in all of the above categories will be entered into a People's Choice Award category.

Online voting and in person voting opportunities during the conference will be available until midday on the 20th November 2024.

Previous winner:

  • Parap Primary School ECO Warriors
  • ECO Warriors promote, educate and establish programs to recycle, reuse and reduce. These initiatives went beyond the school gate and into the wider community to enhance the next generations understanding of 'greener living'

All nominations must be submitted through the official 2024 NT Natural Resource Management (NRM) eAwards online nomination portal

  • You can nominate yourself or another individual, organisation or community group (subject to any additional restrictions outlined in the category you are nominating for).
  • All entries will be acknowledged and reviewed.
  • If you're a finalist in any award category, you're automatically included in the People's Choice Award category.
  • Please take a moment to read through the information below.

Nominations close at midnight on Monday, 30th September 2024

Winners will be announced on Wednesday, 20th November 2024

Begin your Nomination
