Avaluna Spring Good Counsel College (Innisfail)
A Lucky Country Drawing
Oil pastels on a paper map.


As a nation, Australia prides itself on its diversity and resilience, in both its people and its landscape. My work is influenced by the practice of Australian artist Judy Watson and her use of maps and data. Working with layers and colours, highlighting the drought-stricken areas of Townsville on a military map dated 1942, A Lucky Country is intended to invite the audience to consider their connections to our country, the fragility of life, and the possibilities of change.


Research around the rainfall or the lack thereof in the Townsville and surrounding areas was used and manipulated to draw attention to a land in crisis. Oil pastels representative of the dry and arid earth were worked into the surface of a military map of the Townsville region.


Avaluna Spring

Growing up in regional far north Queensland one of the most beautiful parts of the world, I feel really strong connections with the environment and the world around me. I have been blessed to grow up with a mother that shared her value and appreciation of the world we live in.